Sunday Worship begins at 10:30 a.m.  Masks are optional within the church building.  If desired, you may attend in the privacy of your car parked in our parking lot.

We collected $1,235 for the Capital City Rescue Mission! It’d be hard to find a better example of grace and compassion toward the least of us than the Capital City Rescue Mission! Thank you everyone!

Baptism Sunday

On Sunday, April 28th, Pastor Jenn presided over her first official baptism at FRCB. It was a two-for-one!  In witness to a full sanctuary, Anthony and Lucia were baptized with water and the Holy Spirit. In the presence of the Lord, friends, and family, the congregation of FRCB welcomes you both!

If you would like to receive a box of weekly giving envelopes, please call the office at 518-767-2243.  Using these envelopes allows our treasurer to be able to credit your donations at the end of the year for tax purposes.

Online offerings may be made on-line via and the Give button below. These donations will be deposited directly into the church bank account. You have the option to give to either the General or Renovation Fund. Both and the church will record your donations. deducts a small fee per credit card transaction (2.65% plus $0.30). You have the option to cover these fees, if you wish. You may also choose to have automatically donate for you weekly or monthly.

As always, thank you for your generosity.

Thank you to someone SUPER special! An amazing but anonymous angel has donated $7,507 toward the principle of our Bank of Greene County renovation loan! Whoever you are and wherever you are…THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

The contributions by all have resulted in another giant step closer to paying this loan off! We can only ask….give what you can, every little bit helps towards reaching our 2024 goal of $20,000! Thank you and let’s pray for another great year!!


The FRCB stained glass restoration is underway!

April 23, 2024 - All three Rose windows have been removed and are at the studio being cleaned and the lead work refurbished. The wood frames have been repaired as needed, primed, painted and readied for the return of the stain glass sections once completed. In the interim, there will be several weeks where nothing will get done until the Rose window sections get refurbished and the weather consistently stays warmer. More to come!

Thank you all for your cans and bottles.

The bottle and can drive continues. Please remember to place cans and/or bottles in the large garbage bin in the fellowship hall near the crop walk pictures or take them to “cents for cans” in Ravena, located on the right just before the first traffic light in Ravena. Please tell them that they are for “The First Reformed Church of Bethlehem” and the donation will get credited to our account.

Thank you to all who participated in the Panera fund raiser on April 9th. We made $152.34. I will be looking to do another fund drive with a different location. Any and all suggestions are welcome.

Fundraising Ideas

• A wall plaque will be created listing donor names making contributions in memory of loved ones.

• Do you have additional suggestions?? Maybe a rummage sale, outdoor concerts, more church dinners??

Please share your ideas with a consistory member!

Tree removal at the parsonage

Have you noticed something different about the church property? We had two very large trees removed this week! Both trees were in grave danger of coming down and doing great damage to the Parsonage. So better to be proactive rather than reactive! In the end, it took a variety of equipment; some large, some small and a crew of skilled labor working in concert to accomplish the task. It was quite the amazing thing to witness! A special thanks goes out to our anonymous donor who donated half the cost of the project to remove the trees!