Sunday Worship begins at 10:30 a.m.  Masks are optional within the church building.  If desired, you may attend in the privacy of your car parked in our parking lot.

If you would like to receive a box of weekly giving envelopes, please call the office at 518-767-2243.  Using these envelopes allows our treasurer to be able to credit your donations at the end of the year for tax purposes.

Online offerings may be made on-line via and the Give button below. These donations will be deposited directly into the church bank account. You have the option to give to either the General or Renovation Fund. Both and the church will record your donations. deducts a small fee per credit card transaction (2.65% plus $0.30). You have the option to cover these fees, if you wish. You may also choose to have automatically donate for you weekly or monthly.

As always, thank you for your generosity.

The work of GOD is present here at FRCB! Thanks to a very generous donation earlier this year and to all who have contributed to the renovation project over the years, we were able to pay off our 15-year loan, in its entirety, in less than 10 years in May! The commitment and donations of all is certainly remarkable and a testament to the life of this church!


Please give Ron Williams a SUPER big Thank You!”

We received a $50,000 donation in memory of Madeline Dixie” Trianni from Ron Williams!  Very few people exemplified the virtue of “servant leader” like Dixie, and Ron wants to ensure that Dixie lives on in our memory! Thank You Ron Williams!


The stained glass window restoration project is progressing apace! As of June 25th, two of the three restored Rose windows were reinstalled, and restoration of the Gothic arch sanctuary windows has begun. It is unfortunate that the high placement of the Rose windows in the sanctuary limits a real appreciation of the craftsmanship that went into their restoration. 

Here are a before and an after picture of sections of a Rose window that show the restored lead work and the benefits of the investment. Please keep in mind as you follow the progression of the project that the remaining windows will gradually go from appearing unfinished to completed.

Updates will be provided in July and August as the project continues. 

The FRCB stained glass restoration is underway!

Thank you to all who have contributed bottles and cans. We have a grand total of $556, but the last group I dropped off is not included in that total. 

Please remember to place cans and/or bottles, except for tea or lemonade bottles, in the large garbage bin in the fellowship hall near the crop walk pictures.  You can also take them to “Cents for Cans” in Ravena, located on the right just before the first traffic light in Ravena. Please tell them that they are for “The First Reformed Church of Bethlehem” and the donation will get credited to our account.

The Primary Election Day Bake Sale on Tuesday, June 25th, was a success! Thanks to everyone. 

We are planning another for the general election in November, more info will be posted soon.


Other fundraising ideas:

  • A wall plaque will be created listing donor names making contributions in memory of loved ones.
  • Do you have additional suggestions?? Maybe a rummage sale, outdoor concerts, more church dinners??

Please share your ideas with a consistory member!

The Roses are inviting you to come visit the Labyrinth!