More than 10 years ago, Marc Hafensteiner started talking about a pavilion for our church grounds. Our then Pastor (now retired), Harlan Ratmeyer, also had a dream of many uses for our church’s forest and lands. Sadly, Marc passed away before we could begin the project.
Over the years, money has been contributed in the memory of Marc and others and in honor of Pastor Harlan's time with us. A concert was held on the lawn (thank you Marcus Poirier). Most recently, an art show and sale by local artist, Judy Selkirk, added to the fund. We held a ceremonial groundbreaking, complete with golden shovels, during our 250th Anniversary celebration. The pavilion itself was yet to begin.
Finally, in 2020, a group of determined folk got together and made it happen (see photo gallery below). By summer, a 24 by 48 foot pole type building was erected on our north lawn. We look forward to picnics, family gatherings, concerts and many other events.
Thank you Brian, Laurie, Sarah and Glenn for making this dream come true.