a message from pastor jenn

The season of Advent is upon us, and before we know it, Christmas will be here. Advent is a time of endings and new beginnings. As the Christian calendar years comes to an end, a new church year begins. Endings and beginnings sometimes seem challenging as they bring about change and flare up fears of the unknown and uncertainties of what lies ahead. It is just a natural human inclination to grieve the loss that comes with change and wrestle with the hope of what could be. But during Advent, through the stories of scripture, we are reminded that the coming of and Christ’s birth ushered in a new beginning and ushers us into new ways of living and loving.

Throughout Advent, we will be exploring the stories of people in the scriptures who experienced

endings and beginnings in a sermon series called “Words for the Beginning.” These stories of our Christian ancestors are about God’s people trusting in the Lord’s promises and proclaiming hope in a God that was and is making all things new. We are not that different from those who have come before us as we all at some point in our lives navigate seasons of ends and beginnings. We too need reminders and words that lay a foundation of steady ground, a pathway that paves the way as we step into the unknown and uncertainty, and a light that guides the way. When we fear what is to come, we have the assured promise of the Lord to hold us – the promise that God is with us making all things new. So, you are invited to enter this Advent season as if you are entering a new sacred beginning, holding onto the reminders and words that will support and encourage you in navigating this journey and to then with hope proclaim the Good News that God surely is making all things new.

No matter what we are facing and going through, no matter what this new sacred beginning brings, let love be our beginning in the Advent and Christmas Seasons. May we find words of belovedness and hope that hold, carry, and inspire us through the journey ahead.

We hope that you will consider joining us at church or online each week for worship throughout the Advent Season. We hope that you mark your calendars especially for Sunday Dec. 15th at 10:30am as the young disciples and youth group will be leading the worship service, singing special music, and participating in the annual Christmas Pageant. So, we hope you come and join us for this wonderful experience of witnessing our young folks sharing and living out their faith in leading the worship service.

On Dec. 24th, we will have our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 4pm. We hope to see you on Christmas Eve, as we gather as God’s family to celebrate the Good News: “For unto us a child is born this day in Bethlehem” – the Good News that Emmanuel, God with us, has come to help us wade through the endings and beginnings, light the way of hope before us, and move our spirits to rejoice in His love and goodness!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Pastor Jenn